Dr Viviane Gravey

Senior Lecturer in European Politics, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen's University Belfast
Hello! I'm a Senior Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast, where I research and teach European politics, Brexit, and its impact on  environmental and agricultural policies, in and beyond Northern Ireland. This website aims to keep together the different strands of my work over the years.

I received my PhD from the University of East Anglia in 2016. After years of working on EU agricultural policies (at IDDRI in Paris, 2010-2012) and then EU environmental policies (during my PhD 2012-2016) during which I studied the impact the UK had on EU policymaking, I helped set up Brexit & Environment in 2015. B&E  is an academic network investigating the impact of Brexit on the environment, in the UK and EU. Since moving to Belfast in 2016, I lead B&E's work on NI and devolution more broadly. I continue to work on developments at EU level, as well as on the pedagogy of teaching (EU) politics.
As of August 2022, my main ongoing projects are as follow:
  • Inclusive Trade Policy?  The Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (2022-2027). I am an investigator for this brand new ESRC centre, and will work over the next few years with CITP colleagues in Sussex, Cardiff and Belfast on research on whose voices are listened to in trade policymaking in the UK.
  • Green Brexit? I am currently working on a book manuscript with my co-author, Prof Charlie Burns (Sheffield) analysing how UK environmental policy and governance has changed since the 2016 EU referendum.
  • Teaching European Politics I am currently finishing an edited book collection, co-edited with Dr Chris Huggins (Suffolk) for Elgar Guides to Teaching series. We hope the book will come out in Spring of 2023.
I am also working on the latest reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, the impact of eNGOs on the 2016 EU referendum. 


Brexit & Environment (2015- )

Academic network investigating the impact of Brexit on the UK and EU environment, running since 2015 (three co-chairs, myself alongside Prof Charlie Burns in Sheffield and Prof Andy Jordan at UEA).


The Co-decide?! boardgame

An open source board-game to help students understand how laws are made by the European Union.


[Contact picture]

Dr Viviane Gravey

Senior Lecturer in European Politics, co-chair Brexit & Environment network, QUB UCU rep for AHSS faculty

School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics

Queen's University Belfast

Curriculum vitae